dimanche 20 novembre 2011

Nano 2011 : 50k !

Eh bien la barre fatidique est dépassée ! Juste joie.
Le roman n'est pas fini, et du coup je ne m'arrête pas trop longtemps, mais pour la peine, hop hop un nouvel extrait !

I woke up to find Luc sitting on the edge of my bed. I was up on the other side of the bed in a thought, without having consciously decided to move, startling him. But then he laughed, a rich and warm laugh, the first time I heard him or even saw him smile.

“I have been told I was scary in my life”, he said, “but your reaction tops everything.
— I wake up and I see your face above mine, I freak out”, I answered, taken aback.
“Yeah, well, I should be used by now to your overreacting !” he answered, and I was reduced to sputtering, which only seemed to amuse him more. “By the way”, he added, “you look good.”

That stopped me mid-sputter, and I all but ran to the bathroom. He was right. My grey skin was still very pale, but it was an almost healthy white, as if I had not seen the sun in quite some time but was still alive. I touched my cheek, gingerly. I would just have to add a touch of blush and I would get rosy cheeks and look as if I ran in the snow. Nothing like the thick layer of foundation I had had to use to look even remotely alive until now ! Oh gosh I looked good, for real ! I even let a quite undignified squeak in my joy, but Luc did not dare laughing at me for that. I probably would have tore a strip out of him if he had.

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