lundi 7 novembre 2011

Nano, extrait 2 : des réveils en fanfare

Le nano avance bien. A 18.5k, je suis plutôt en avance sur le rythme minimal de 1667 mots par jour. Le fait d'écrire en anglais me ralentit, mais moins que ce que je craignais initialement, même si je pense que parfois j'écris en charabia. La relecture par un(e) anglophone ne me semble pas optionnelle. Mais je ne suis pas mécontente, et je me suis mise à l'abri d'un imprévu qui m'empêcherait d'écrire pendant un jour ou deux (ou cinq), c'est l'essentiel !

Dans l'extrait suivant, mon héroïne vient de se faire attaquer par un vampire. Elle est rentrée chez elle tant bien que mal après qu'il l'ait abandonnée sur le bas-côté, et son réveil est... inhabituel.

When I woke up, it occurred instantly, with none of my usual groaning and rolling back under the covers. I was awake, wide awake, my brain already clear, as if someone had operated a switch. From asleep to awake in one second flat: an absolute first in a life of awful mornings, of peeping an eye at the clock, groaning, turning back, putting my head under the pillow to pretend I did not notice the time, and generally ending up late for class.
I jolted awake and then jolted upright, remembering the night before and starting to panic. But then, I did not start to hyperventilate, though I'm a great believer in hyperventilating during a panic attack, it is so much more satisfying that way. In fact, I did not even breathe a bit faster. Scratch that. I did not even breathe. At all. Which did not help with the panic attack.

In the end, I had to calm down. It was just ridiculous. My heart was not racing, my breath was not coming out in gasps, I was just shaking out of habit. My body was just not cooperating. I sat in the middle of my bed and nothing worked as it ought to.

1 commentaire:

  1. Tiens, c'est bizarre, je me sens bien... Ah mert, j'suis morte.

    J'aime bien le concept. ^^
